Prayers In a Messy House

There is so much to do. Tomorrow I will have a group of women in my house- my messy, cluttered, dirty house. We will lift up our children, their teachers and their school in prayer. And you know what? God will hear our prayers. He won’t care that there’s not a single empty space on the floor or table in my dining room. It won’t matter to him that I haven’t dusted and that there is laundry piled high in nearly every room in the house. It’s my great hope that these women won’t care either. But to not open my home in fear that they might care just isn’t an option.

See, here’s what I know and why I have to be willing to let my worry about my house go. I know that we aren’t perfect, whole beings. Not one of us. We all have cracks and are broken. Something, somewhere in our lives is askew. I fully believe that it’s in showing our brokenness that God’s light shines through- it’s seen through the cracks in our lives. If I put a candle deep inside a perfect vessel, it provides light to no one. But, if I am willing to show others the mess that I am, that’s how God is glorified. Because if there is any good in me, any light that shines, it’s Him shining through me. My mess makes that clear. I have to be willing to admit to and show my imperfections if anyone is to see what God can do with broken people. He really can make beauty out of them (though He’s yet to do so with my house 😜).

My great hope is that He’ll do so tomorrow as a group of loving mothers step into my mess, fight past the dust bunnies and climb over my clutter to lift their voices in prayer. May He be glorified in my lack of pretending, and may the other moms know perfection is overrated. 🙏🏼